West Coast Swing, Connecticut
Always Check the "News" Section for the latest updates
DJKenM.Com is a resource for West Coast Swing Dancers in Northern Connecticut and Western Massachusetts area.
Our Friday Night Dances and Weekend Workshops are primarily held at the Polish Home, 9 First St, Windsor Locks, CT. The facility is located almost exactly 1/2 way between Hartford, CT and Springfield, Ma, and less than 1 mile off Interstate 91. If you are an instructor or promoter and wish to be listed on the site, and included in the e-mail announcements, please read the requirements near the bottom of this page.
Friday Night Dances are held nearly every Friday night (48-50 Per Year), Depending on when Christmas, New Years and other holiday's fall on the calendar. I bring in numerous local instructors and traveling guest instructors through out the year. Friday Night Lessons are almost always West Coast Swing, unless noted otherwise. During some full weekend events, Friday will be a Hustle night. Please check on that particular night's individual page for specific details ... or call ... 860-749-5434. For directions, go to th Friday Night page.
Friday Night Dances are held nearly every Friday night (48-50 Per Year), Depending on when Christmas, New Years and other holiday's fall on the calendar. I bring in numerous local instructors and traveling guest instructors through out the year. Friday Night Lessons are almost always West Coast Swing, unless noted otherwise. During some full weekend events, Friday will be a Hustle night. Please check on that particular night's individual page for specific details ... or call ... 860-749-5434. For directions, go to th Friday Night page.
Beginner Dancers - There is a Beginner West Coast Swing lesson almost every Friday night from 7:00-8:00 PM, and special 2 hour beginner nights 4-5 time per year. I also have a "Dance Ambassador" program . There are several dancers who assist me on Friday nights. Most of which have taken at least one teacher training program and are certified as instructors for novice level West Coast Swing Dancers. Both male and female instructors know both parts ... as a leader and follower. When a true beginner shows up, and the rest of the class has been dancing a while, I can usually provide that person with a Private lesson with one of the Dance Ambassadors, in order to get the new folks up to speed and out on the dance floor as soon as possible.
Typical Friday Night Schedule
Typical Friday Night Schedule
* 7:00-8:00 PM - Beginner/Novice Lesson
* 8:00-9:00 PM - Intermediate/Advanced Lesson
* 9:00PM- Midnight - Dance - Music Mix is 60-70% West Coast Swing, With Hustle, Country Two Step, Waltz and Niteclub Two Step primarily making up the rest of the selections. I do take requests. As long as the song isn't really Awful (By My Definition) I'll play it.
* 8:00-9:00 PM - Intermediate/Advanced Lesson
* 9:00PM- Midnight - Dance - Music Mix is 60-70% West Coast Swing, With Hustle, Country Two Step, Waltz and Niteclub Two Step primarily making up the rest of the selections. I do take requests. As long as the song isn't really Awful (By My Definition) I'll play it.
**(For specifics on Instructors and pricing, on any given night, go to the home page and click on the specific date on the right hand side of the home page.)**
Weekend Dance Events
For the 3-day weekend workshops, I only bring in the most qualified instructors in the nation. Qualifications must include recognized National Championships in at least one form of dance (Preferable 2 or More), and /or multiple event wins in two or more forms of dance, or multiple divisional wins in the same dance form (IE: US Open Championships in both Classic and Showcase Swing Divisions would qualify).
For the 3-day weekend workshops, I only bring in the most qualified instructors in the nation. Qualifications must include recognized National Championships in at least one form of dance (Preferable 2 or More), and /or multiple event wins in two or more forms of dance, or multiple divisional wins in the same dance form (IE: US Open Championships in both Classic and Showcase Swing Divisions would qualify).
Due to the random nature and the shear luck involved, I typically do not recognize Jack'N'Jill wins in my decision as to which instructors to bring in for workshops ... UNLESS ... there are Multiple and Repeatable Wins ... So many that you can't ignore, and only wins in Champions Division are considered.
There are other local and regional dances listed on the site, DISCLAIMER - The reliability of the information provided is only as good and current, as the content provided to me by local area instructors. When possible, I try to add a link to that Person's or Venue's website so you can look for the most recent information directly form the source.
Due to the random nature and the shear luck involved, I typically do not recognize Jack'N'Jill wins in my decision as to which instructors to bring in for workshops ... UNLESS ... there are Multiple and Repeatable Wins ... So many that you can't ignore, and only wins in Champions Division are considered.
There are other local and regional dances listed on the site, DISCLAIMER - The reliability of the information provided is only as good and current, as the content provided to me by local area instructors. When possible, I try to add a link to that Person's or Venue's website so you can look for the most recent information directly form the source.
For Dance Promoters & Instructors looking to list their events or link to the site. I have a unique outlook and strong opinions in deciding which events to promote, and which venues to support.
I will support and assist all instructors that are helping to build the dance community by running lessons and dances on a regular basis (Typically defined as Weekly lessons/dances), and those very same people if they do weekend workshops with top instructors.
For those of you working hard, I will list your information on the website, include your information in the Weekly E-Mail Announcements, Get you started by helping Teach, DJ, Advice on purchasing PA Equipment, Help out with your music collection, And any other assistance I could provide.
On the other hand, if you are not an instructor and/or at least in a business relationship with someone who is, then I personally believe you should not be bringing in instructors, running workshops and profiting (Skimming) from the hard work of those of us who are putting in the effort. The parasitical nature of these events is not in the best interest of building a healthy dance community. Simple put ... If you want to be respected, and have my assistance, do the work and help those of us who are in it for the long haul. I apologize if that offends anybody, truth be told, the only people who would be offended, will be the freeloaders themselves.
Weekly/Bi-Weekly E-Mail Announcements - To stay informed on what's happening in the area, you can be added to the weekly e-mail announcements by simply sending me a note at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..