Events Calendar

Robert Royston Mini Intensive - Re-scheduled
Friday, February 22, 2013
Hits : 2021
by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Robert Royston - The Re-Schdule
After an exhausting week of e-mails & phone calls, checking schedules and hall
Robert & I have come to realize that there are no Saturdays available between now
and October/November to re-schedule this thing. I knew this was going to be an issue,
that's why I tried as hard as I could to make it happen, but the weather ... and
the Governors, just didn't co-operate. :-)
SO, instead of waiting another 2 years for a Saturday, Robert & I decided to
the Mini Intensive for this Friday Feb 22nd 7-10PM, at the Polish Home.
I know there will people who will not be able to make it on a Friday. Especially
some who were driving from as far away as Pennsylvania. I will be refunding the
full amount to those folks either as I hear from you, or after I know who made
it Friday or not.
WHICH MEANS ... there are spots available for those who wish to jump in at the last
minute. The price is still $75, and if you wish to stay for the dance, an extra
5 bucks .... total of $80. Give me a call or send me a note ASAP if interested in
attending. 860-559-6179 - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. [mailto:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.]
I'll be giving a cash refund to those who paid the $100 weekend price at the Polish
Home on Friday.
Almost 1/2 the group did not send in a registration form. Therefore, I do not have
contact information for a number of people. No Phone number, E-mail or Snail mail
address. Please pass the word so I can get a refund to those folks.
NOTE - I actually stopped cashing checks as the threat of the snowstorm became more
serious. I may not have cashed your check yet, in which case I can eiter send it
back or shred it.
Robert Royston

Friday - February 22, 2013

Polish Home, 9 First Street, Windsor Locks, CT

Mini Intensive 7-10PM Downstairs Hall

$75 for Intensive - $80 for Intensive & Dance


Standard Friday Night Dance and workshop schedule upstairs

February 22, 2013

Instructor - Ken Mercik - Subject to change
Windsor Locks- CT - Polish Home 9 First Street
... See Schedule below - No Partner required.

For directions go to

* Beginners/Novice Dancers ... see website for
Information on the "Dance Ambassador Program."

Friday Night Schedule
7:00-8:00PM - Beginner WC Swing - Ken Mercik
8:00-9:00PM - Int/Adv WC Swing - Ken Mercik
9:00PM - Midnight - Dance
Beginner Lesson & Dance $10
Intermediate Lesson & Dance - $15
Dance Only - $10 - Mostly West Coast Swing, with a mix of other dances

Private lessons available - For additional Information. Call or e-mail

... 860-559-6179 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Additional information