Events Calendar

Canceled due to snow
Friday, February 08, 2013
Hits : 1565
by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Friday Night cancelled. Saturday Night & Intensive is still on.

After several phone calls with Robert we have made some decissions, and

First of all, we forgot on major participant ... THE WIFE. To make it
short, Robert was more than willing to come up Friday, but after Nicola
expressed her concerns ... leaving the wife and kids home alone during a
major snowstorm ... just doesn't seem like a good idea.

SO ........

Friday Afternoon/Evening is cancelled ... All Private Lessons, Workshops &
the dance are cancelled. I'll be out on my Snowmobile. Everybody else ...
well  .... have fun.

Saturday is on - By all accounts, the major snow should be done by 4-5AM
... and the lingering effects over by 8-9AM.

We are pushing the intensive back 1 hour. It will start at 3:00PM. Due to
the fact that this will cut the dinner break short, Robert & I will be
buying Pizza's for dinner ... and maybe something else for those who do
not eat Pizza.

The Saturday Night Workshops & Dance will go on as planned.

See you Saturday.

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