Events Calendar

Hustle review and Dance - Reisa Alexander
Thursday, February 06, 2014
Hits : 1340
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Reisa's current New York Hustle group class at the Polish Home ended on the night of January 30th. Join her on Thursday, February 6th for an hour plus review of the New York Hustle patterns taught in January. (It is not necessary to have attended the group class to participate in this review and dance.) Then practice, practice, practice to slow and medium speed hustle music. Ask questions, get a little help with trouble spots, and spend some concentrated time working and practicing! What a great opportunity!
7:00p to 10:00p (Warmup at 7:00p. The review starts approximately 7:15p.)

Pay Only $15 per person at the door, includes lesson and dance.
No registration necessary.  See you there!

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