How to get a hold of KenĀ 

Folks have told me they can't find contact info on this site easily, SO ... Let's make it easier.

The easiest way to contact me is by a PHONE CALL. You know like the old days. Dial
a number and talk. That number is usually 860-559-6179. Back-Up Number is 860-749-5434.
Leave a message with name & number.
I can not bring a cell phone into the office, but I am usually not there for more than 2-3 hours.

Text Messages ... BAD ... Could be as long as a week before I log in online and
Retrieve them. Usually on Saturdays.

Facebook ... Fair ... I usually check between 6-7AM and 9-10PM, or if I have a few minutes of down time.

E-Mail - A little better than Facebook, but if I am driving to Boston & back, or any
of the other offices, I won't see them until I get home.

Snail Mail - Address for Checks & payments for various events

Ken Mercik
19 Jewel ST
Enfield, CT 06082

* As we get closer to a workshop weekend or major event, I check all these far more often ... as often as I can, But
the phone call is still the best way.

Hope this helps